Fasts 1.8 Update

Fasts 1.8 Update SOTW Information

Hello everyone! For the past month, we've been working on switching our entire backend infrastructure from our proxy to the server.

The server has been switched onto a 1.8 Spigot, it was previously for years on a 1.7 Spigot. This just means the server is now based on 1.8. 
People on 1.7 will still be able to join absolutely, however we recommend 1.8 for a much better experience.

This change will allow us to get a new anti-cheat, all-new combat mechanics, hits, kb, pots, rods, arrows, and all new features we can add!

We are still beta testing so expect bugs on this map, please report them as you see them.

Release Dates

⚔️ Fasts 1.8 Update SOTW

Saturday, January 25th at 2:00 PM EST

⚔️ Fasts SOTW

Map Information:

  • Faction Size: 5 mans, 0 allies
  • Map Kit: Protection 2 Sharpness 2
  • SOTW Timer: 2 hours
  • Release Date: Saturday, January 25th at 2:00 PM EST.

New Features:

  • NEW Anticheat
    • Still in beta, could have bypasses or false flags!
  • NEW Ability Items
    • Kryptonite Gas - Right Click and all enemies within a 10-block radius will receive Poison and Slowness for 15 seconds and you will receive Resistance II for 12 seconds.
    • Phoenix Mode - Right-click to spawn a cloud of particles where enemies deal -15% damage to you and you deal +15% damage to them.
    • Added back Attack Dogs
  • NEW Combat Mechanics
    • New Improved Hit Detection
    • Fully new Knockback
    • New potion mechanics
    • New rod mechanics
    • Arrow collision improved (should be 1:1 with vanilla MC)
    • Projectile misdirection fixed (applies to enderpearls, snowballs and arrows)
    • Latency compensation for many things such as eating/drinking. Overall slightly better experience for those on higher ping.
    • Armor Obsfucation: Patched Nametags from seeing what armor enchants you have.
    • Many more updates...
  • NEW Invasion Event
    • Hosted on Thursdays. 3 capzones: Overworld Citadel, Nether Citadel and End Citadel.
    • Will start with Overworld Citadel, whoever captures it gets 1 point.
    • Then after each is captured it rotates to the next capzone. Whoever is first to get 2/3 captures wins the entire event.
    • If somehow 3 different factions capture 1 capzone then it'll reset until a faction gets 2/3.
    • Capture time of each capzone is 10 minutes.
    • Winning team gets 250 points and 4 KOTH Keys.
  • NEW Beta Testing Faller Tokens
    • We've tested privately many times and haven't encountered issues however last map it caused immense lag (obviously 40 people using it is better than 2-3) so we will be beta-testing it again.
    • They will be in the Custom+ reclaim but won't be usable until we say so during SOTW.
  • NEW KOTH Repair Token
    • An item inside KOTH loot-tables, use this on any "Unrepairable" item to fully repair it.
  • NEW Added /setup
    • Command to receive helpful items to get set up during Citadel/KOTH if you complete a few steps.
    • Neutralizer
    • Debuff Fish
    • Risky Mode
  • Koth Key Changes:
    • You now get the following amount of keys per capture:
      • 4 for Citadel
      • 3 for Faction Tournament
      • 2 for Hell/End
  • Redone Cobweb Limit:
    • Instead of limiting how many cobwebs you can carry, we are going to have a Cobweb Counter limit-based system.
    • So basically in WarZone, you can only use 16 cobwebs max, and it resets once you hit claims.
    • Reminder you can purchase cobwebs in /shop.
    • Very controversial event, ultimately we decided this event couldn't continue on Cave, many complaints. It could return in the future though.
  • Fully patched running and eating.
    • As a result, we have re-enabled several GUIs during combat.
  • Added item tracking so each item is now fully tracked to ensure we can see when something is duped.
  • For most clients, Nametags cheat now hides the player's name.
  • MiniKOTHs will be enabled on this map. Max of 3 people.
    • You will only lose 0.5 DTR at MiniKOTHs now.
  • Ability Generators now give you an ability item for each member online.
  • Reduced Ninja Star cooldown more if you're a solo.
  • Fixed not being able to open chests sometimes.
  • Fixed not being able to use an anvil sometimes, especially on 1.7.
  • Fixed not being able to use a crafting table sometimes.
  • Fixed issues with Sorcerer Eggs not working/despawning.
  • Fixed being able to repair "Unrepairable" items.
  • Fixed Archer not losing feathers when using jump Boost.
  • Fixed not being able to craft certain items.
  • Fixed up several dupe glitches.
    • Several people received good prizes over the last few weeks for reporting dupes and not leaking to the rest of the community!
  • Fixed issues with Fancy Brewers being frozen on loading.
  • Fixed /f roster bugging out where you have to re-add people.
  • Fixed when revived you lose a kill.
  • Fixed deaths not counting if you both die at the same time.
  • Fixed issues with combat loggers not dying properly.
  • Fixed Guardian Angel Custom Enchant Book not nerfing fall damage.
  • Fixed Evader Custom Enchant Book not reducing DTR regen all the time.
  • Fixed not all items being able to be traded.
  • Fixed pearls not refunding sometimes properly.
  • Fixed Road Outpost resetting who captured it after reboots.
  • Fixed Rage Ball getting cooldown randomly.
  • Fixed Neutralizer negating Protection 3 when used.
  • Fixed Guardian Angel ability item not working if backstabbed.
  • Fixed pots going back in chests when you grab them.